I knew having an awesome, healthy pregnancy was too good to last. But hey, we've made it 29 1/2 weeks, so that's good!
Definitely easier than with my first.
Last night I had to go to the ER. The last 5-6 days, I've had upper abdominal pain with a bit more cramping, gas, a couple more BMs/day than usual, but really nothing major. I had a cold and got a sinus infection (we think) like 3 weeks ago and I was put on Augmentin. When I got off is when I started having problems, but I figured it was just reacting to antibiotics and the Florastor. But it just kept getting worse and worse, to the point that Tuesday's lunch was the last time I could really eat or drink. It isn't heartburn (I know what that's like, lol) and I skipped Tuesday dinner in case it was my gastroparesis, but I woke up Wed morning still hurting, so it isn't my stomach being too full.
But Wed breakfast I threw up, and I couldn't drink even a few swallows without it just killing, so I went to the ER to get IV fluids. Lipase levels are normal, so it wasn't my pancreatitis. My BMs had mucous in them today, so I'm thinking maybe my Crohn's is upset for some reason? I don't know. I'm exhausted (didn't get home till 3a) and my stomach still kind of hurts, but I was at least able to eat. I have a call in to my GI and am waiting to hear back from them.
Just frustrating.