It was supposed to be a short term run of prednisone. Yikes, it's been like almost 3 months and I still have to wean off 12 1/2mg. Anyway, I've been running into problems. Prednisone helped me a quite abit in the first month, but upon cutting down, it didn't help anymore, so they prescribed me more and up I went, and it still didn't help, but the good thing, is that it still maintained my appetite and I was able to put on almost 10 lbs, which were much needed, even though the runs returned. I notice that I'm getting major runs within 15-min to 1/2 hour of taking prednisone? Normally prednisone stops diarrhea, but this time it's different? Has it caused diarrhea in anyone else? Just curious?
The other thing that has been happening within 2 days after I lower, is real bad leg cramps, I've been getting those cramps in my hands as well. Never had cramps in my hands before, so I credit this to the prednisone. I get occasional shakes and take more naps, but I'm expecting some weaning side effects, so on I go. Just when I start to lose my symptoms and feel better, it's time to lower my dose again?