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Veteran Member
Joined : Nov 2015
Posts : 515
Posted 3/15/2017 6:58 PM (GMT 0)
When i went to the ER in january i had major amount of blood in my urine and left side pain. They said it was kidney stone. Well i survived that ordeal. I was in the er in february with LRQ pain. Turns out to be chronic inflammation and constipation. Later i found out i also had SIBO. When i got lab results the urine cultures indicated some blood and protein and a lot of mucus. They stated no uti. But now i have pain in urethra even when i dont pee. Im already on an antibiotic that would cover uti. So what could be going on. I googled mucus in urine and it points to UC
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/16/2017 2:19 AM (GMT 0)
Wow. I don't have any suggestions. Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and I hope you get this figured out.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/16/2017 6:25 AM (GMT 0)
Bucko, so sorry that you had been through a lot. How long did this urethral pain last? I once had this severe stabbing pain you describe. My GI ordered a urine culture but it came out negative. He was amazed and couldn't figure out what was wrong. By the time I received the results, the symptoms had resolved on their own. No test or scan done afterwards showed any problems. It could be just something temporarily and would resolve on its own.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/16/2017 10:41 AM (GMT 0)
It seems to be ok if i take AZO. When that wears off the pain is back
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/16/2017 6:25 PM (GMT 0)
Could you go to an urgent care and get a urinalysis?
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Posted 3/17/2017 11:55 PM (GMT 0)
Well im just going to have to ER to see whats going on. I would have gone to my pcp but im currently without insurance. Once i get to $25,000 of outstanding medical bills i qualify for medicaid. Im taking doxycycline for SIBO and that is one of the meds given for a UTI. However i have serious symptoms. Ive been taking AZO's for 3 days now with little relief. My worst fear is a fistula. How would they test for a fistula anyway?
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 12:31 AM (GMT 0)
They can do a scan to test for a fistula, but it may or may not work. My test was pretty uncomfortable: they inserted a catheter tube, and then filled up the bladder with water and tracked if it leaked out anywhere. Peeing cold water afterwards was probably one of the weirdest sensations ever, lol.
Please do go to the ER to get checked out. A friend of mine with lupus got a UTI and she didn't get to the doctor until she had a fever and chills and pain, which means it's in the kidneys. She ended up going septic from it because it was too strong for oral antibiotics, and was hospitalized for a week and got put on IV antibiotics. She's STILL on IV antibiotics with a PICC line and it's been 6 weeks, and they still don't have an end date for them.
Not to be all doom and gloom, but with our immune systems suppressed, it can get quite bad.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 2:43 AM (GMT 0)
Scifigal...oh wow i sure dont want that happening to me. When i was a little girl i had many kidney infections. As an adult ive had 5 kidney stones. I will let you know what the ER dr says. I just hate going to the er again!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 3:19 AM (GMT 0)
Oh ouch!!
That just sounds miserable. Maybe also ask about
the possibility of intersticial cystitis (I know I spelled that wrong). It's basically like Crohn's or IBS of the bladder.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 12:54 PM (GMT 0)
Its a kidney infection. Now i have another problem. I cant get my medicine til monday. I have to get it thru unc outpatient pharmacy prescript
ion care plan and its closed on weekend. Im so scared of getting very sick very quickly.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 6:46 PM (GMT 0)
That's frustrating that you can't get it until Monday. Did the ER doctor at least give you some IV antibiotics while you were there to tide you over until Monday?
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 9:02 PM (GMT 0)
No she just gave me one pill and said i would be ok til monday. Is it normal to be nauseous. I just cant even eat. While in the er i was on the monitors and everytime i would dose off to sleep my 02 sats would drop to 89-91 and dr wasnt concerned. My iv had blown and for 40 mins i buzzed the o e came so i just disconnected it. The iv pain was worse than kidney pain. The dr didnt go over my blood labs she just mentionex the urine labs and ct scan. I hate our local hospital!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/18/2017 9:50 PM (GMT 0)
Oh geez, that's really bad. My friend couldn't eat with her kidney infection, or even keep down sips of water, which is bad when you're trying to flush out a UTI. I can't remember, do you have a good PCP or GI? You may need to call the on-call doctor, explain the situation, and ask what to do.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/19/2017 3:17 AM (GMT 0)
Bucko, that's really terrible, I highly suggest you go to a different ER! Why is your 02 so low? That is very concerning. How many more days until you see the new Gi?
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/19/2017 12:21 PM (GMT 0)
I just had an unusual experience. As always when i wake up in the morning i gotta go pee. So off to the toilet i go. But when i try to pee nothing would come out. So i push like im having a baby and i finally start to pee. I had to continue really pushing to pee. It took a long time to empty my bladder. Should i call the dr cause i must have some serious inflammation? I cant get my antibiotics til monday? Has anyone else had this experience?
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/19/2017 1:08 PM (GMT 0)
I think you need to call the doctor.
Regular Member
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Posted 3/19/2017 6:24 PM (GMT 0)
You could die from a bladder that's too full.
When my grandma was suffering from Stage 4 colon cancer, her bladder didn't empty and no one caught it until she was in a coma!
As soon as they emptied out her bladder, she got better!
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/19/2017 7:05 PM (GMT 0)
I just pulled up all my lab results and a few things im concerned about
. My glucose was elevated and so was my BUN levels and my potassium was low. However the dr said everything was fine
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/21/2017 11:59 AM (GMT 0)
I have a follow up with my pcp today.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/21/2017 2:35 PM (GMT 0)
Well i just saw my pcp. She reviewed my er visit notes and labs. She switched my antibiotic to ciprofloxin and repeated labs since my potassium was low glucose and BUN elevated. My bloodpressure is also elevated 130/80. My normal is 107/56 (last time i saw pcp). She said if kidney pain wasnt any better in 5 days to call and she would refer me to a urologist. Today ive also been having intermittent pain in both LLQ and LRQ. I see my new gi on thursday. I sure hope he is willing to schedule a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I wouldnt mind a pillcam too. I soooo tired of pain and fatigue. I actually took 2 naps yesterday and still went to bed at 10.
Veteran Member
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Posted 3/21/2017 6:22 PM (GMT 0)
I'm so sorry, that sounds awful.
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