Thank you gyp! I will contact him. (I like young hot doctors! oh wait you said hotshot...darn
Clo---you didn't let me down at all. You've gone above and beyond. This is new info about
the skin issues. My PG is in remission with IVIG so I'm sure that's not the case. I just don't understand how contradicting these studies are. The LIFT has a high success rate for CD patients.....if you feel like your doctor is approachable I'd love to contact him. I can't let this go....
You are not whining....and you have a right to complain and be disappointed. It's been a rough go and new growths are concerning, especially because the wait time isn't instantaneous like on TV
I think it's good advice to concentrate on continuing to get better, but if you need a cry or whine or bottle of wine do so
How are you feeling about
a permanent stoma?
I get what you mean about
the diet "cheating." I've beaten myself up for living too. But the reality is 1 hot dog didn't cause the new growths. It's simply a vicious disease. Since I've reintroduced gluten my bowels are formed. Who knows??? Stop beating yourself up for enjoying something pleasurable; but might I suggest freshly caught lobster with butter and a gin and tonic after the next infusion? lol.