*logs in* HW still haven't got the hang of
cookies which last longer than a couple of days I see. It's almost as though they don't want anyone to stay.
@ks1905 - I read your message and decided to send an email to my IBD team asking if they can increase my 6MP dose, explaining why. I had a TPMT test alongside my usual bloods last week; hopefully it is at the low end of normal.
Lol @a new hospital being built each month. The only new hospitals we'll be seeing are ones made out of lego and they'll mostly be in children's bedrooms
@Sara - I think it's ridiculous too. I would have bet every last penny I had in the bank that no harm would have come from finishing the infusion, and I'm not a betting person. It seems like the Stelara must have been sitting around for several hours after it was made up though; I don't understand why the hospital did it so early when they knew I wasn't due to come in until 2. (Or perhaps the lab did it before sending it on a 2-hour journey to the hospital. I have no idea when it was mixed or who did it.)
I'm still wanting to get a dog, although it's not a very good time at the moment. I've just started a new 11-week course of MBT (Mentalisation Based Therapy). I'm not happy with how that went last week at all (28 people stuck in an overheated room - way too many people for comfort), but I must try and stick it out until the end. I've also got to decide what to do about
my gardening place, which I've been going to for a few years. I've just been hit with a massive fee for that and I'm not sure it's worth it. That money would go a long way towards an individual therapist. Sorry, I'm babbling now: a lot on my mind.