I want to know how many of you are taking anti-depressants? I was put on one last year for general anxiety disorder (GAD) before I found out I had Crohns. Who doesn't have anxieties when they have teens. I didn't like it and didn't feel I needed it so I stopped taking it. Then I found out I had CD and three months later I developed steroid induced diabetes. I was working really hard to lose weight and getting extremely frustrated and obsessing over it. Felt like I was aneroxic without losing the weight. For 8 months I've been going to the Y and eating extremely healthy and nothing.
When I found out I had Crohn's I was "Okay, I deal with this" When I found out I now had diabetes I was "That's sucks but I will do what I have to to get it together." I start doing what I have to and I just couldn't lose weight. Only lost 11 lbs in 6 months. I talked with my GI and she recommended Cymbalta because it can work on not only anxieties but on pain and can cause appetite suppression. Anyway, I've been on it a month and feel so much better. I've lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks and no longer have joint pain and muscle aches.
I just wanted to know what the percentage of people taking anti-depressants because they are dealing with chronic illness.