Probiotics are a must for IBDers (IBSers as well), we tend to have bacterial overgrowth, not to mention the many times we're having to take antibiotics which kill everything, B/C pills cause bacterial overgrowth as well, usually in the form of recurrent yeast infections...
So yes, take a good probiotic, the one I use is affordable, has guaranteed intestinal release (makes it past the gut), aids with vaginal health, high cholesterol and lactose intolerance...
cut my BM's daily down to 5 or less, has made it much better when I have my periods as well (controls my BM's better during that horrid time, as menstration can have a huge negative effect with IBD).
So definintely get on a good one, the one I use is called Primadophilus Reuteri made by natures way, I've tried others but found this to be the best, it does not contain a bunch of un-necessary additives like aspertame, sugar, dyes and only contains a little potatoe starch for preservation...the only downfall is it must be kept in the fridge so that's where the store you purchase it from should be keeping it stored.
Here's a link regarding studies done on IBD and probiotics...
When it loads in scroll to the top of the page and read the full article.