Ooops- I just realized this post should be under the thread re reactions to Immuran. Can it be moved.
To answer your question Ides, I did well without Immuran for about 5 years, stayed in remission with Pentasa and Levaquin. Had to go off Flagyl, I had a raection to that too. . For about a year and a half I've flared on and off. Have been in remission again for about 6 months, I think thanks to naltrexone and gluten free diet (or maybe it's placebo effect, I don't care so long as it works). The next step for me wil be Remicade, but that scares me for 2 reasons- I'm not on an immunomodulator, and I have a TI stricture. So I'm trying to hold off because after Remicade, and maybe Humira, that leave's surgery. And I'm PETRIFIED of surgery.