I have been on 6-mp and remicade for a long time now, but my Rheumy wants to switch me from 6mp to methotrexate injections. This makes me a little nervous because of all of the posts that I have read on here about
methotrexate and the side effects. I was also told that this will help the remicade perform better. This would be awsome because I am already at the max dosage 10 every 4 weeks and it is only lasting about
2 weeks now. It has been a great drug for the past 3 years, but I am building up antibodies. I tried Humira and got really sick and had to go back to Remicade.
I would love to hear from anyone that has had good or bad reactions from this. I have also read about the birth defects that can come from this medication and would like to hear from anyone that had a child on this medication. My wife and I would eventually like to have children and want to make sure that this will not stop us when I go off of the medication for this purpose.