I have been on pain meds for about 5 years now, started with darvocet & hydocodone 7.5
given to me by my gastro,and have progressed up now to oxycodone 20 mg and hydrocodone
10 mg for breakthrew pain, now given to me by my rheumy, as i have been dxed with fibromyalgia
this past year. I just let him do my pain managment now rather than get meds from different dr's.
I have to admit I have a great Gastro (Shout out to Dr. Thomas Eckert :) and a great Rheumy
(Shout out to Dr. Henry Davis :) and have never really had to suffer and suck it up as it pains
me to see some of you do. BTW, I think is BS. But getting these meds have their drawbacks as
well......... here is a example.
I suffer with migraines and have 4 different meds to take to kick them, but I had one that could
not be kicked, and had to go to the ER which I have done quite a few times. I go and update
my med list and they ask what I am wanting..... duh..... I tell them I need a shot of what they
gave the previous time, cause it worked. Mind you my BP was 156/124 (Heart attack stage or
Stroke maybe) and the actual Dr. came in and told me that I would get no narcotic from there
and if that was my intention then I should forget it. Well BP's don't lie and can't be faked ppl,
and I told him nastily, give me whatever they could as long as the migraine went away, but I
did remind them that I wasn't supposed to take nsaid's as I have CD, so to do what they could.
He was just nasty, and made me feel like a junkie, just because I do take strong pain meds,
whick had no bearing on the migraine. That is the down side to them, I guess from my perspec
-tive anyway.
You should talk to your dr's, both if need be, and tell them that you feel it is your right to be
treated for the pain as well as the DD. One goes right along with the other and maked it hard
to function beyond it. I did suffer for a few years and finally had to ask for treatment. And
pain meds are better than a cork...... they play double duty.... no pain and less "D". Win/Win
Good luck !