As far as I am aware, we are the only ones left too have a free healthcare system.
We moan about ours docs, and how shoddy the service is-but I guess at least we don't have too pay anything huh? I can't believe that in Scotland now, they are abolishing prescription charges completely. It's hard too see how they are doing it.
I know that in America you can get insurance, but they'll only fork out so much, like so many hospital admissions, or medication upto a certain amount. I believe a single lung transplant in America, can cost upto $20,000. To get a broken toe seen to-you're talking $800 dollars. It seems insane to me. I can't imagine living somewhere, where it would cost my home and possesions too be kept alive basically. I think we are definately spoilt over here lol!
I'm not quite sure how accurate the sit-com Scrubs is. But the first series, my jaw was pretty much hitting the floor.
Definately makes you appreciate some of the care over here though huh?
IF anyone else can add more too this, please do. I only know bits and bobs about healthcare in America, but my knowledge is very limited and only based on what people have told me.