Hi Hazel,
It's very good to see you. Was wondering where you'd gone!
Glad you enjoyed Disney World-you could've slipped me in your suitcase you know. I sooooo want to meet Minnie mouse again hehe!
Hope the little bug is gone before Christmas, it's sucky feeling ill when everyone else is jumping about
getting excited lol. Last year was like this for me, I had an awful cold, plus had just started Tobi nebs, so my voice disappeared. I had to sup honey and lemon mixed with hot water, and had to take the jars round with my to everyone's house. I really hope that this doesn't happen for Gypsy, Christmas should always be fun and happy when you're little.
I've got a cold-a nasty one that's jumped straight onto my chest. I'm hoping to be starting Tobi nebs soon through my Ineb. I've got permission from my team now. I just hope it works. I need something to keep me churning over Christmas, as my IV's aren't due until the end of January.
I've been having to sleep on the sofa chair this last 2 weeks, as laying down is to much for me. It's not too bad, but my back is killing, and Paul is missing me.
Got clinic tomorrow, so I should be able to get some oral antbiotics to tide me over until I get the new chamber to my Ineb, so I can start the Tobi. Hopefully shouldn't take too long.
I've started a new college course now, having completed last years with flying colours. This one is 15 hours a week! It's been keeping me very busy lol. It's fun though, not really learning much, but proving what I'm learning in something I enjoy.
Also been fixing a computer that was riddled with viruses and worms and spyware, and had a request to fix another one, that's just running slow. I've gone from doing not a lot to doing milions. It's kinda scareing me a bit, having all this work to do. But, it's quite satisfying that I've found something to keep me busy, which doesn't effect my health.
Also, got my bread machine down. Hot bread layered with butter is good for me, and is very comforting. Paul's not impressed as much though, as having to stop him eating it all as he's putting on weight.
Got a few new games for my Wii, including Wii Play, Guitar Hero, Big Brain Academy , Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Mario Kart and Mario Party 8. I should have real big muscles in my arms soon, haha! Paul's brother, sold his Wii to his Mum, who already has all the games. So, sold the games to us really cheap.
Stay well Hazel, and hope Gypsy stops farting soon
Gem xxxx