My son was born at 37 weeks. He was seemingly healthy at the hospital. By 3 weeks old he developed what I thought was a cold was a loud mucussy rumbly cough that also led to wheezing and resp distress. We started hin on breathing treatments and prednisone. The wheezing comes and goes but the mucus wasthere to stay. He was tested for an esophageal fistula - came back neg and then a sweat test during his 1st year of life - came back neg. He has no GI problems other then serious constipation but I attribute it to his medications. He is on X
openex twice a day by nebulizer and flovent as well as singulair. He suffers with chronic mucus but is hardly ever "sick".
He is dx'd with asthma and he lives with the mucus. recently he was dx'd with pneumonia when I brought him to urgent care for a fever of 104.2. They did a CXR and determined it was Pneumonia....I really didnt believe them because I said...he always sounds like this so I FINALLY brought him to the pulmo after 2 years withiout. She sched an upper GI (normal) and a bronchoscopy. She said what she found surprised her. She said deep in his lungs they are clogged with very sticky thick mucus - so thick she could hardly get any for testing. What she did get came back positive for several bacterias including staph. We are set to have another sweat test done Monday.
She said the mucus was cloudy - not green or yellow - but she said there was so much and it was so thick - she said it was bubbling up.
He is relatively "typical" sized - no other "markers" - he does have clubbing of the fingertips but as I said he is asthmatic.
My question - how often is a sweat test neg and a child comes back to test positive? What "else" could cause thick sticky mucus in the lower part of the lungswith no sign of illness?
Is this CF?
Thank you