Feeling such a failure right now.
Just done a mock exam for my Micorsoft course, and got a measly 36%. We need 80% to pass (good it was only a mock). I've tried as hard as I can, I feel so let down by myself.
My exam is supposed to be on the 22nd of Feb, but I've requested it be hold off so I do it along with my second exam in June.
I know my health has been an issue, and I know an even huger issue has been the hospital ignoring me/talking over and interrupting me when trying to explain symptoms, and implying that everything is my head. I have been in this battle for 3 months now, and am really getting sick of the chest pain, the sticky gooey chest, the erythema nodosum, the tiredness, the swollen toes, which I accounted to arthiritus as they completely blanked me when I said I'd been having trouble, and all of these symptoms resulting in time off college and complete lack of concentration.
How do other people cope with this? How do they get through homework/studying while trying to keep up with treatment and feeling rubbish? I guess I'm just looking for tips really.
We've also moved house over Christmas, and I'm really really sorry I haven't been here to answer people. I'm still not back fully, for the obvious reason of been busy upto my eyeballs and just plain exhausted. Other mods though, and they have been a huge huge help,so I just want to make a thankyou for keeping things tidy. I hope everyone is ok, and have enjoyed the holidays. Tell me here how you all are aswell, I've missed out a lot recently.
Gem xx