Hi guys,
believe me taking that amount of meds is hard to remember. When I first starting taking them when I got out of the hospital, I used little "tinkerbell" stickers to differentiate the times I took a certain med. That was a good idea and I think that is the way I learned to take them. Actually that list is nothing compared to all the meds I have taken over the years. I have a grand total of right around 60 different meds.
That is why I feel so hopeless most of the time because with the advanced degree of my depression, "treatment resistant", which is the granddaddy of the chronic severe clinical depression, sometimes I feel like I will never be able to live a happy life. The reason I say this is I can count on m two hands the times that are truly unforgettable times in my life, how said is that?
It just makes the future look so bleak and worthless. I was sitting here yesterday and thought to myself, I get up everyday, dress, makeup, hair all the things that I coudnt do before, only to sit in my house every day unless I make errands. Usually when I get ready to go to bed, I realize that during the day if I had any company it is the mailman, FedEx,neighbor, gas meter lady and the occasional visit from the maintence crew fixing something in the house. Exciting huh????
Anyway about my job I am sending out my resume today so keep your fingers crossed for me. It will be a great experience to use the skills I have obtained from working with the school.
I said that I would not work in the social work field but I am throwing caution to the wind an proving to myself that I can do this.
I am ok today, would love to go look at vehicles, I hatedoing so because you just cant go look without a salesman "strangling" you.
Well going to get all this fun stuff out of the way.