thank you all for being so kind.
hte thing is these 'panic attacks' im having are not like a 'normal' attack. they are more of a mental thing and i dont hyperventilate or anything, i just really freakout and my mind starts racing and thinking all sorts of things and i dont know how to make it stop.
also i have mentioned making a fool of myself at new year to my mates and yes they havnt given it a second thought, at the time of the 'attack' i really thought they all hated me.
i didnt sleep very well at all last night couldnt get to sleep untill abot 3.30am and even then it didnt feel like i had slept if you know what i mean? i didnt go to bed untill 1.00am anyway in an attempt to try and make my mind relax and become tired but that didnt work and by then it was too late to take a sleeping tablet cuz i had to try and get up early in the morning to get a lift with my mate to my grans on his way too work.
the thing is, i feel physically and mentally tired but my mind just wont switch off and i find myself frowning and gritting my teeth cuz im concentrating so much on trying to sleep, and then wen i try to relax, that still doesnt work.
i hope everyone is ok, and thank you again
love xxx*