hi there,it sounds as though your going through a rough time at the moment.however your putting pressure on yourself i think.maybe you need to find another niche in life .i mean youve got all these wonderful things in your life and you feel like you have to be content right.people have all these different hats they where and think they have to act accordingly when they do.like mother ,wife ,partner,work, daughter ,friend ,housemanager ,wotever.but what about
you .the hardest thing is finding answers searching for that thing that alleviates the loneliness,emptiness ,lack of wholeness we all feel at some point in our lives.it is a huge rollercoaster and for some they are always searching.butsometimes it can actually be fun to try.i dont know how old you are,but i found i especially felt this when id had my kids got married,got bored with my career and it became a job instead of a passion and vocation.it was worse when i hit 40.ive managed to find knew things in my life,interests,a different circle of friends through my interests,and to have people in my life that dont put pressure on me to be something else and who care about
my wellbeing ie like minde people.ive felt the chaos your feeling now its scary and you feel like its not going to end,find a good support a cousellor think also about
the bigger picture are you doing things in your life that will impact the mood swings,ie alcohol plays a huge part in bringing down moods,as doeds lack of adequate nutrition,sometimes hormonal issues make it worse ,especially the swings.i felt suicidal 1-2 weeks of every month and ended up asking for a referral to a hormone specialist and after numerous treatments and a yoyo weight i found something that halfed the problems i had been having.im not saying that what works for me will work for you or anyone else but its food for thought.dont do anything on impulse or make any big life decisions when your like this,wait til things settle or you may wreck things andregret it later when things are settled.hope this helps take care tigereye.