piercings. I remind them though, that a tatooist is an artist, and are nice and gentle and slow. Phlebs are just in the job too steal blood from people, and are going fast to rush through patients. There for they pull and tug and hurt more...........That's my excuse and I'm sticking too it cool
Also notice how it very nicely covers my vein. this is because they scared me and bruised me, when they tok blood last. So I decided too have it all covered over. My cf doc (nice doc) has decided I'm just weird.
Drooling at yours ediekristen! The colours are so bright! Much better than you get here!
Karen, you can always design tattoos for people, it would be like having your artwork drawn onto people, even if you dont do the actual tattooing
Feeling very tired today, rest day today. Got too get some z's in ready for a busy day tomorrow. This social life is excellant, but if I'm already feeling mentally exhausted, I have too rest so much more often too be able too cope with it all. I'm trying not too think. If I don't think, then nothing can hurt me.........I hope!