Hi Nekodiruai,
I would takes Eriks advice and go ahead and email him or anyone, so you can be explcit in how you want to write , if thats what gets it off your chest the best.
When i was your age(i am 39 now) I was in an alternative school, which really worked out best for me, my grade average went way up. and i got a job, less time for depression, but it was still there, I just had ways of hiding it, and still do.
I have to admit anti depressants to help me, but im alot older, it may have backfired on me if i took them when i was younger, plus I dont even think they had the same class of antis then as the do know, so probably better of i was on none. Both my children are bipolar, and the youngest has mild autism, which more and more is seeming like tourettes syndrome then autisms, she many tics and the language to go with it. She suffered from depression as well and is on an anti depressant, and has been for 5 years and she is only 9. But they helped her, as long as she has a mood stablizer to go with so she wont go manic. I am thinking your therapist may be thinking that an anti may cause unwanted side effects, and it may , but you wont know unless you try. My son who is almost 14 absolutley cannot have antis, he goes manic, no antis for him period, but i tryed.
Is there a chance to change therapists?
Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing. And please email Erik or anyone, mine listed in my profile too.
Out of ignornce or me being to old please someone explain Six form??? What is that and how is different them reg school? Sorry for asking I just dont know....