So some of you who have read my posts know that my eating has been off lately. A week ago, I starved myself for the most part for guilt and fear of gaining weight.
Then a friend and I went out to eat and I ate something and kept it in my stomach. Now i'm on these binges where I eat a load of food and sometimes I keep it, and other times, like a bit ago I try so hard to throw it up. Before when I would throw up food it(i hope its ok im getting alitte graphic but Im confused) looked somewhat like it did, but lately when I throw up it kinda burns and has an acidy taste and comes up in odd textures and colors.
Im so afraid of gaining weight. I feel a little achey in my midsection and I hate that I allow myself to eat cause I feel so fat. People have been complmenting me lately on how im losing weight which makes me EXTREMELY happy to hear, but they dont know how i am.
Whats happening? I just want to be normal again....