This Nov. would have been 20 years we've been married and we dated for 4. Just two months ago she left with the kids....................................................................................I hate living like this
She’s the only person I’ve ever been with and I was convinced we were going to grow old together. I knew she was unhappy, but I thought it was from stress. We've been under financual stress for severial years and my health has been really bad for the past 2 years.
She never really talked to me about it. So when she said we're over, I was crushed! I suggested we see counseling as a couple or individually. That we could do things to reduce stress, something anything, but for us to try to work things out somehow. She wanted nothing to do with that.
I had been depressed for sometime leading up to this.....and this was more then I could take. I was taken to the hospital for the fist of my three inpatient stays. I got to see a side of my wife that I had never seen before. COLD. She thought I was trying to manipulate her by saying I didn't want to go on without her and the kids. The only thing that stopped me was the kids.
The last hospital I went to used a method I had never heard about before. it was called EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It did wonders for me. It helped me process things that I hadn't been able to process before.
After my last stay at the hospital, I was together enough to go bring and get my kids back home. Up until then my wife wouldn't let me know or let the kids tell me where they were.They were 16.5 hours away.
Now that I am getting back into life(back to work and the kids back to school), I seem to be loosing some of that progress I had made over the past few months. Anytime I do something, see something, hear something they all remind me of my old life.
I just wish she could give me a solid reason as to why. and why she was so unwilling to work on things. I know there's nothing I can do to change here mind, which doesn't mean I didn't try, but sure wish I could do something about it.