Dear Jane,
I am so happy to hear from you but so sad to hear you had to let your animals go. How selfish your family is for not caring for them for you. I am so very sorry this is how they react when they know how much the animals meant to you. If I was down there I would give them all a tongue lashing and they would know they had been told too.
You my dear friend deserve so much more then this seclusion you have been put into. You desrve people around you who would smother you with love and caring. WE can only give that to you here but I know it is not the same as having a loving family.
My sister developed the pulmonary blood clot and her breathing was bad. But she is on a blood thinner now and so far no more clots.
I understand how you are feeling about the trip to the cancer doctor. I think perhaps your meds for pain may be bringing you down too as you said it is hard to feel good when your sick every day.
I do not know how you do it but I am glad you do get up and face each day. You planted flowers..........kudos to you. I am sure they will be beautiful.
Take advantage of being home alone and do some things you always want to you have a house dog? My dog is my salvation on a bad day.................She will nap with me and just feeling her warm body next to me on the bed reminds me she loves me unconditionally. She is my best friend and never tells anyone the secrets we share.
I am coping well and I thank you for caring. I have pretty much been house bound all week because I am afraid I may miss a call from the hospital.
Love to you and lots of hugs