Hello, this is Kitt. It feels to me that your situation and depression is seated in your emotional abuse.
Emotional abuse is the most common form of abuse - & yet least talked about. Part of the reason it is so easy for people to overlook is that so that much of what is considered normal & acceptable forms of communication is in fact abusive. Many people don't know that they have been - or are being - emotionally abused. In addition, a lot of emotional abuse doesn't appear to be severe or dramatic, although its effects can be.
Emotional abuse is a series of repeated incidents - whether intentional or not - that insults, threatens, isolates, degrades, humiliates and/or controls another person.
It may include a pattern of one or more of the following abuses: insults, criticisms, aggressive demands or expectations, threats, rejection, neglect, blame, emotional manipulation & control, isolation, punishment, terrorizing, ignoring, or teasing.
Emotional abuse cuts to the core of a person, attacking their very being. Emotional abuse, if frequent enough, is usually internalized by the victim & leaves them feeling fearful, insignificant, unworthy, untrusting, emotionally needy, undeserving & unlovable & as if they were bad, deserving of punishment & to blame.
Survivors of emotional abuse often have a hard time understanding why they feel so bad.
The abuse may not sound like much & often people around them will minimize the experience, telling them it's not so bad. But a climate of disregard for a person's feelings, where one is subjected to constant or frequent criticisms, being yelled at, or being ignored - has a deep & profound effect, attacking the very self-image & confidence of a person.
Tell someone what is happening to you.
• Recognize that the abuse is not your fault.
• Try to see yourself as others do—not as the abuser does.
• If you attend school, seek out support from a teacher or school counselor.
• Stay in touch with friends and family members who reinforce a positive image of you.
• Find a safer environment if threats increase or you fear for your safety or well being.
Make an appointment with social services and make sure they know about your abuse. Explain your parents lifestyle, the exposure to the smoking and how your s-father uses sexual comments in front of your friends.
Your signature includes all of the following dx: Fibromyalgia, Myofacial Pain Syndrome, RSD-CRPS, 11 herniated discs w/ multiple pinched spinal nerves, Osteoarthritis, TMJ, Sleep Apnea, CFS, Narcolepsy, Hypothyroidism, Asthma, Insulin Resistance, Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder, PTSD, Bilateral Peripheral Neuropathy (cause unknown)..
Contact the advoctes for these dx and ask for help.
Call Hud, get on every list you can for help. They are out there you just have to look for them and never give up.
You are not alone, we are here to support you but I am going to ask you to please start working on finding help and letting us know who you have contacted and the response you got.
What you find out may help others in your situation.
Gentle Hugs