I'm new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I was diagnosed with mild depression about
15 years ago and started on Zoloft. I LOVED Zoloft and didn't have any bad side effects. Once I started feeling better I realized that I had been depressed all of my life and had figured that was normal. Zoloft worked well for many years, then it didn't -- I don't know why. I've tried other meds and nothing worked like Zoloft, no matter the strength. So last November
I figured I'd wean myself off the Lexapro I was taking since I wasn't feeling that great and was using coffee & chocolate to feel better. Plus, insomnia started and when my doctor said that was a common side effect I figured that maybe I could go w/o it. So I weaned myself off and haven't been taking any medication for depression.
Unfortunately, I'm not doing well -- easily irritable, no energy, some days I feel hopeless and just want to stay in bed. I couldn't go on like this anymore, so I have an appointment with the Clinical Nurse of a local Psychiatrist to get back on some kind of medication. I'm really disappointed as I was hoping I wouldn't need it anymore, and I sure don't want the insomnia to return. Kind of feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place right now.
I'm hoping sharing with y'all will help, and being part of a group that "gets it".