I usually frequent the other boards, as I had a sub-total colectomy a year ago. However, I have had depression since I was about
18. I need some advice of where I can find a REALLY good psychiatrist and/or psychologist. I live in a small town in PA and no one around here is good. I have been depending on my family doc for perscript
ions, but sometimes I just don't think he is versed enough on them.
I have a history of eating disorders, have seen over 6 different psychologist. Have been diagnosed with a mild form of Body Dysmporhia and depression. I am constantly worried about my weight, though I weigh 101, I feel fat again. I have been on Paxil and just called the doc last week...up 5 lbs in less then a month. I had postpartum depression and thyroiditis with my daughter. Though my thyroid blood tests are normal...I feel tired ALL the time.
I looked up some other forms of depression online and dysthymia and atypical depression describe me the most. I tried Wellbutrin on Saturday...HATED IT! And now my doc just called in Effexor XR. I hope these meds work and don't make me feel so foggy brained (or gain weight).
If anyone could tell me what their experience with some antidepressants are, I am all open ears.