Hi Jez, I think you have gotten some good advice from the others. You do just need to take things one day at a time. Stop and think about
what has gone on in this relationship. You say your gf has lied to you a lot. Is that really the kind of person you want to be with? Can you have a solid and trusting relationship with someone who lies? Also, what Karen has said is true - do you want to be a father to another man's child? A person who will be in your lives for a very long time? Sometimes it is better to cut off all contact with a person for a while, think about
what your future plans are and what you want out of life. I assume that if your gf is only 18 that you are young too. There are many girls out there who would enjoy your company if you would give someone a chance. Although right now I think it best not to try to enter into another relationship. If she told you she wasn't seeing anyone for the five months you were apart and now she's pregnant, what does that say about
her? Is this worth it? I think you need to work on yourself now and don't dwell on the past or what she has said to you in the past. The past is gone and will not be coming back. Concentrate on each day, baby steps and what you can do to improve your situation. Do you have family who are suppotive? Maybe now would be a good time to get some counseling. There is much ahead for you in life so look to the future with positiive thoughts. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing. Remember to take good care of you.
Gentle hugs,