Hello and wow, you have a lot going on in your life and some really wonderful and exciting things too.
Take a big deep breath and remember everything will be OK. You answered your own questions re your fear that your fiancee' is going to leave kick that anxiety out the door and enjoy the engagement. He loves you and you love him. The wedding is your celebration of your love so do it your way and no regrets.
You are not responsible for anyone else's feelings so do not fret about planning your event to make other's happy.
Take things one step at a time and slow down at work. Not necessarily slow down how much work you get done but slow down your thoughts. Stop the racing thoughts and deal with one assignment at a time.
Smile more at work and laugh at yourself. I always feel good when I can see the humor in myself and in a situation.
Try meditation for a form of relaxation once a day for 20 minutes.
Take a walk on your lunch break, use the stairs whenever possible. Get up twenty minutes earlier daily and do stretching exercises while catching up on CNN. Kills two birds with one stone and you will be up to date on the news before you go out the door in the morning.
Leave your job at the office. When you leave work, your on "your time". Treasure it and do not worry about what happened at work. Morning will come soon enough. Weekends are "you" time. Your off the clock.
OK, now big hugs to you and tell your therapist all.
Give yourself permission to feel the anxiety and then let it go.
Congratulations to you on your engagement.
With kindest personal regards,