dear tess,
i understand your frustration with meds not working. a few yrs ago, in hospital a nurse asked me to write all the meds i have been on to combat my mental illness. it was over 50, and some i forgot, and some i probably do not know still. the number would be over 60 now. i want to give you some confidence, i am on meds that are working, still tinkering though. i think you are in the tinkering phase. give the doc a chance to help you find the right treatments.
i fully understand that you are in a bad spot at the moment. but things do get better. after not seeing my family for 2 and a half yrs, twice and becoming homeless and living on the streets for 2 yrs, to living in a crisis centre for 3 months and living in a decrepit mens refuge for 2 yrs, after 28 admissions, ECT, 4 and a half yrs of psychiatric counselling, a 6mnth inpatient stay, ptsd due to a sequale of abuse as a child i have made it through, still battling, but what got me through was me, what will get you through is you. fight with every sinue in your body. i am extremely worried, i only told you some of my story, well the important bits, not to make you feel bad, i would never do that but to INSPIRE you. your LIFE is precious, i do not want you to be continually sad. it will get better.
with my thoughts and prayers-i wish you peace.