My boyfriend & I decided to have a baby after going through our financials, etc. All was well. My son was born (who is fantastic!), however, I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me when my son was 5 mths old. Of course he said it was my fault b/c I was so stressed (I was taking care of my son, myself, my boyfriend, finances, all housework, etc.) while he went out w/friends all the time. I stressed to him the importance of honesty. Needless to say, I kicked him out. I am so unbelievably sad, angry, alone, absolutely miserable! I wanted a family for my son. Two parents for him to wake up in the middle of the night if he had a nightmare, 2 parents xmas morning. I know I made the right decision, that my son needs a better role model than someone who is dishonest....but I can't stop crying & nothing makes me happy except for my son. And go figure, when we looked at the finances, it only work w/both of us contributing...and now I am faced w/the option of short saling my home or claiming bunkruptcy. Everything has just fallen apart on me. This is our sons first Christmas...and not what I wanted for him. I don't want to go on meds b/c I hear so many negative they can increase the urge to commit suicide...not a route I like. I just don't know what to do to get out of being depressed, feeling alone, or angry. I feel like for all that I have done to help others, I ended up w/the short end of the stick. Any suggestions? Yes, even meds that do not have the side effect of increasing suicidal urges (no, I do not consider that an option)