hello Sass,
I would totally agree with Karen in regard's to ur situations!!!
You truly need to see somebody that you are comfortable with and talk and get it all out there!! Maybe you might need some medication for the depression and anxiety, but the most important thing for you right now is to eat,sleep & really look after yourself!! Believe me my darling for the last couple of weeks my life has become hell on earth,to the point that I dont care anymore to the point that i'm not eating anything at all as all I have is liquid and that's not good as I have an ileostomy and I have to eat to live. Please dont get like me because in the last 2 weeks or so I've gone from a size 10-12 to 7-8 and im very tall so i look sick and i also have cold sores all over my mouth,lip's ect!! My hair,skin and everything is affected by me not LOOKING AFTER MYSELF. Please start eating and just do what your body tell's you to do. Look you have probarly heard all of this before but I dont want you to go down the same path that im going down ok my love. Sorry I just care to much and hate to see other people suffer it's not fair............
please take care of YOU ONLY,
P.S. Im not having a go at you ok,I just care......... xxxx