I am 52 with depression + adhd + general anxiety disorder + mild ocd
I have been using citalopram, 20 mg's per day, and 20 mgs of Trazadone. I will use ritalin on and off but I find I get the same effect from Ritalin with 2 medium double double coffees no sugar per 8 hours of the work day BUT no more.
Caffeine in limited controlled dose or Ginseng which you can take as tea and experiment with the dose, can work as well as ritalin.
I am sorry you are having so many problems finding one to work. everyone is different. my only problem is that citalopram makes it impossible to have sex. I take the tradazone to try offset the delayed ejaculation reaction.
The best one for me was Serzone. I had no side effects with sex but they took it off the market so I had to switch to citalophram.
Wellbutrin never worked for me. Amphetamines of dexadrine did but that stuff is highly addictive so I would not use it. Caffeine for me no longer causes anxiety attacks because of the citalopram but I carefully monitor it because its addictive-you do have to ignore cravings for it by drinking water.
May I suggest you absolutely force yourself to do cardio exercise of an hour a day and I do not care if that is walking, running, cycling, swimming, any combo to get cardio in at an hour a day 7 days a week. It helps the medication work, it helps keep down any weight gain from medication and you need with the adhd to exercise. It naturally releases dopamine and helps ease the anxiety from the excess energy not getting out.
Hey the biggest sob is the forgetting what you are doing in the middle of it or forgetting to start what you finish or forgetting stuff. Man I wish I could help you on that. All I can tell you is try break down all your routines into steps that you can trace back so if you skip one or two you can trace them back.
When you write stuff down use different colours for each thing to remember. Use colours not numbers of letters if you have to put stuff in a place to retrieve.
The never being able to feel like you are o.k. or you have finished something or you can be calm, its just who we are man.
I tried yoga I could just not sit still but walking, running, cycling, weights, all work.
If you are a smoker it is because nicotine helps concentration for about a minute or so but I would not get addicted to it. Also if you want some help to try concentrate but a soft and constant noise in the background-the repetitive noise sometimes helps. Also keep something in your hands you can squeeze on when listening and try tap a foot if you have to quietly. We adhd'ers need to do more then one thing while we listen.