thanks for that, she has been to doctors today and been prescribed anti depressants and refered for councelling as she blames herself I think as all three serious relationships she has had have been violent I too have also been put on anti depressants and refered for anger management councelling and been given a self help book which seems to be working atm, although the more i tell her i love her the more i get it thrown back at me which deeply hurts and atm it feels like anything i do will neva be good enough. She continually tells me that she dont know what she wants and knows it drives me mad but she says she just aint sure!!! The uncertianty of it all is doing my head but I love her enough to give her the time she requires to get better and assess what she wants no matter how hard it gets for me as she has 2 kids whom i adore.
I think also she was deperate to have children aswell as her kids is the only thing she thinks she has ever done right but cant have them due to complications so trying again is not an option!!! I know she feels the loss as do I but cant even acknowledge that the miscarriage was real!!!!
as far as couple counselling as far as she is concerned atm there is no us and besides if we need councelling after 6 months if we need that it was pointless relationship so i do not wish to push her into it!!!!
All I want is the person I fell in love with to get better and back to normal with or without me just wondered whether being here is making the situation better or worse and wanted someone elses opinion on it