Hi, was just reading all your posts. I'm a 24 yr old guy who has been through some issues as well. I wouldn't say I was really picked on when I was younger, not the most popular kid but I wasn't really picked on too much. I did have my own issues though. Always and still do have bad acne on my chest and back which always prevented me from going out with friends to places that I should have went to and had good times at (beach, waterparks, pools, etc). I was born with a jaw malclusion which effected my speech a little which I've recently had surgically repaired, but now I have numbness around the muscles of my mouth. There's a bunch of other things as well, and these things bothered me a bit back when I was your age.
I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I would have tried and found help earlier then what happened to me. Instead I let these insecurities about myself build and grow. Stopped me from getting certain jobs I wanted, let them stop me from going away to college, let them stop myself from going to college, began to withdraw a little bit from my friends.
The reason why I'm saying all this is that, IT IS NOT healthy to let all of your problems just grow within and not to open up to somebody, anybody. I never used to tell anybody how much these things bothered me, I never was one to talk about my feelings. I would just crack jokes and mess around and ignore everything that really was important. The reason why I'm sharing this with you is because just now am I beginning to feel better and fight my way back from SEVERE depression/anxiety attack.
I know you said you were scared to tell your parents, maybe even ashamed? Thats how I felt, kept it all bottled in. Until about 2 1/2 months ago when my severe anxiety hit me. I had this sudden onset of an incredible headache, lights began to bother me, sounds were echoing a bit and irritating me, I couldn't focus on ANYTHING (TV, Books, Games, Conversations, Work), and worst of all I couldn't sleep. I didn't sleep for 5 days straight, my hands started shaking, body started to twitch. I thought I was dying, I thought I was even going crazy. After all the doctors visits and everything I was referred to my psychiatrist who I'm seeing right now who put me on an antidepressent/antianxiety pill called cymbalta. Its took awhile to kick in but finally I am beginning to see some positive results from it and feeling a little like my old self again.
My advice would strongly be to seek out the help of a counselor or psychologyst/psychiatrist. There is no shame in going to talk to somebody, I used to be one of those people strongly against people seeing them. Thinking it was weak and it was something I would never do. That's a bunch of bull, look where that got me? I've been feeling much better since seeing my therapist and thank god that I actually let that false idea of being weak for seeing one not stop me from helping myself. There's nothing to be ashamed of when you're trying to help yourself, whether it being seeking out a counselor, or even telling your friends and family whats going on.
I personally told everyone who was close to me what was going on, I told my family and my close friends. I used to hide it from them and be scared they wouldn't like me for who I was if I opened up about it. Well I did and nothing has changed, and even if things do, you can't help that. You can only help yourself and how you feel. Hope this was some help to you, hang in there and realize that it will pass, it will just take some work and patience.