Hi Lindsay,
Here is some info that might help you. But I am sure that they are going to tell you the same thing the members have said. Get him to a hospital.
National Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
This is a combined network of the Amerian Association of Suicidology, the National Hopeline Network, CONTACT USA, and many other organizations. Call are automatically routed to the nearest crisis center to the phone from which the call for help is placed.
Helpful Web Sites:
Suicide Hotlines (listed by state)
Suicidal.com (includes Suicide Crisis Center and Depression and Suicide)
Unfortuanately it is hard to stop somebody when they have this in their minds. I had an old boyfriend who tried several times and finally succeeded. I feel that if they have tried before, generally they eventually do this. You might not want to be around when he does. We aren't suppose to talk about this on the forum, so excuse me for being vague. But I want to warn you what you might be in for in the future. You can't stop him if his mind is set on this. He will find a way. I am sorry to say this, but I dont' want to sugar coat it for you. I have been through it.
If you can get him to go in for help, that would be a huge relief for you. I honestly think he is being very selfish in the mannor that he is doing this. Telling you about it, and saying his last goodbyes. But that is besides the point. Take care of you. Protect your self and your feelings. You are a good caring person and don't deserve to go through this. I know that you care about him, but he seems to depend on that. And I know that this is hurting you.
Tread lightly my dear.
Remember that you are special and that we care.
Hugs, Karen<!-- Edit -->