One suggestion was to write a letter to the perpetrator, stating how you felt, how it has affected your life, and what you would like to do to them. Then, after re-reading it occasionally until you can't stand to see it anymore, have a ceremony, and burn it safely in a metal container, and flush the ashes down the toilet, symbolically ending the matter. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which communication with your subconscious mind is facilitated. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or hypnosisdownloads has one on overcoming a troubled childhood, and caring less about the opinions of others, and/or has one on re-parenting your inner child, and/or has one on dealing with child abuse.
If the above proves insufficient, I suggest that you seek psychotherapy, and a course of EMDR therapy, (*… ) would probably reduce the negative emotions associated with your memories of abuse to more acceptable levels - the EMDR to reduce the negative, combined with the other techniques shown may be all you need, enabling you to avoid psychotherapy (open ended; can take years, cost a small fortune, and achieve little, depending on the therapist, and client).
Try the relaxation methods at… or… or and/or Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. Also page L at this site*, where there are several to choose from. Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex, when practised regularly, and will enable you to find a way of being; awareness, without suffering, when you need it, and is a valuable tool for helping you through the worst parts of life.
Give the acupressure EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via the searchbar at * "EFT" & "EFT therapists", or (13 free videos) or, if still available, the free video for PTSD at Professional EFT is always preferable. - There is a version for use in public places*, (you could claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage/tapping your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer the aftereffects of child abuse, I deeply and completely accept myself." ABUSE: See on abuse & &
Read: Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse by Ann McMurray and Gregory Jantz, Ph.D., from your bookstore, or