Hi loner,
How ya doing? Sounds like some crazy stuff is going down in the home that you are living at now. God bless ya for trying to be a nice guy in that you are trying to help them out. But "strangers no matter how down on their luck do not belong in a house with children," and I suggest you use those exact words. Please send these people out of the house asap along with these resources. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=2&oq=help+for+the+homeless+in+&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS343US343&q=help+for+the+homeless+in+florida
Please do not get in a fight with them. Call the police to remove them if they cause you any problems. Please in the future do not bring people home to a house where children are, nor allow people into your life that might endanger your own wellbeing. I am thinking that in your attempted to make things right, that perhaps you are not clear about boundaries. One of those boundaries is finding the line inbetween helping others and personal relationships. That means you need to keep your home a sacred space by not letting people who drain you around you or your family.
I know you want to be a good guy in that you do not want to tell them to leave. But let's face it you have given them a meal and a warm bed it is time for them to move on, and that is far more then you should have ever done in your readjustment process. (In the future if you feel compulsion to feed the homeless, do not allow them into your home, feed them out on the picnic table or better yet when you are volenteering at a soup kitchen or something.)
Please think about what is best for you and your family here, and I think you are correct that is for these homeless people to go. Please think about how you want to do this. You do not want to get into a fight with them. You are correct: this is Not Worth Going Back To Prison For! You have better coping skills and more resources then that option. You need to stay cool here, and have boundaries about how upset you allow yourself to get about what other people do. Do not let yourself get into these situations that bring out the side of you that you do not like. I know you know this and like I said I think you know that you need to protect yourself and your family here.
Take it easy,