Good morning every one.
My name on this forum is loner I chose this name cause it is my way of Life.You know one against this cold cruel world.Sort of ironic though,Im living with my niece and her four boys.Believe this too they But this is the life that anny one of our kids could choose Gare 100% pure boys.
Well the other day one of the boys got into a fight at school for pertecting his mothers name,to me this is very respectful and I told him so. But also explained to him that fighting just because you want to or because you can beat up the next kid is wrong and there is no respect in such a thing.
You see Ive fought most of my life every thing from street fighting to the bar rooms and also some prison gang related fights.Believe me when I say this I dont want no one to have to live the life I have lived.It was such a waste. But I do believe in my heart that if there is some way to keep one child from messing up that we need to tahe the initiative to do so
We teach our kids whats right and wrong?But ther are other things they need to be aware of one thing we live in a society that believes in fairy tails and has no honest to goodness morals any more.Believe this for it is the truth.
Right now the prison system is full and there are still thousands ready to enter for thier first time or returnning. Our society has bred MONSTERS out there that do some of the most God awful things you can imagine. Ive been there and could write a book about
the decadence tha would turn your stomaches.Believe me when I say this Some people out there should be killed. Iknow this aint a verry good thing to be writing about
But its true and there are many traps out there for the young to fall into.
I honstly cannot understand the nieve people out here that just let ther kids go do what they want to do and expect things to be all right, just the other night we had to call a little girls parents to come get her from the house.She came in at 10 pm. scared to death because some man kept following her in his car. This girl was only 10 years old. We caught the man who was following her called the police and they done nothing. So we out it out all over the neighbour hood what hapenned descript
ion of the car who this man was and in this process we also put it out to the people that our house can be a designated safe house for the kids to come to. It works out well too. You woudnt believe the kids that come here now some that run from abbusive parents some just to find something to eat.Actually just the other day I had to physiclly remove a drunk and abbusive person from this property .He came here and hit his 9 yearold sone for leaving home.Im talking about
this guy litterally balled his fist up and hit his own sun! I cant tell you what I did to him but he was most effectively removed from this property,his son is still here afraid to go home cause Mom and Dad are addicted to crack cocaine.
Some people tell me Im getting way to involved woth this,but I think theres not enough people willing to get involved and they should.
Please be honest with your selves concernning your children and then let me know how you feel about
this.........Loner. [img]/community/emoticons/devil.gif[/img]
Post Edited By Moderator (Admin) : 8/23/2010 4:33:59 PM (GMT-6)