Thank you Karen!
To continue with our discussion, the patient has tried three kind of psychiatric meds but then she denied any further drugs treatment because she doesn't think that she has schizophrenia or the medications work for her. She also stated that the medications gave her a weird feeling and she didn't feel good when taking it. I looked into the medications side effects profile for schizophrenic meds and they are lots of negative side effects. In fact I thought it might even worsening the symptoms with longterm use. It that correct?
Her family members have tried very hard to get her to take medications but it is not working since the patient is unwillingly want to take any medications because it has not helping her but instead give her weird feeling, so the patient turned to reject any further medication treatments.
Can a normal person without any family member with known psychiatry disorder get these kind of symptoms in his/her later age? It seems strange to me that she get it in her early 30th?
The patient symptoms are often "off" and "on". Sometimes she feel so depress and just crying and even cursing. She cursed to those she thought cursed her. Many times she told me that some one out there who didn't like her has cursed her and that was the reason why she is feeling like this now. She recognize that the feeling is abnormal yet she claimed that she is normal and when symptoms comes she cry, curse, yelling, etc...
Her family members are extremely drain of energy and ethusiasm about their life. The patient has dragged everyone around her down. It is excruciating painful and distressful for her family. Please help me to find help for her and or find other alternative treatments for her? Do you think she could benefit from some kind of electromagnetic radiation treatment? I don't know just some wild thoughts.