Hi Commvv,
I am so sorry about
your mum. This must be devestating for you right now. Know that we all are praying for her. It is hard to find the right words to say in a situation like this. I lost my first husband to lung cancer and I was in my 40's. Believe me, it wasn't easy, but things did work out.
You are a strong girl taking care of your siblings. And I am sure that somebody will step in and help you. What about
your father, is he around? I sure do hope so.
I will get you some sites that might help you. Coping with a loss like this is not easy, you are so young to have to go through this. And believe me depression is hard for somebody your age, but it is normal. Can you talk to a school counselor? Or is school over? You need counseling of some sort right now.
Coping is hard. You have to take it one day at a time. I can't imagine you haveing to take care of your siblings without help. Are there any family members that will help you?
Keep posting and let us know what is going on. In the meantime I will find some sites for you that might help. But what you are facing is a huge issue right now. And you need some outside help.
STay with us. We are here for you.
Hugs, Karen
Spend as much time with your mum as you can. Talk about memories and good things. I know that she loves you very much and doesn't want to leave you. But it is out of her hands and in the hands of God. Know that I care. Will help you as much as I can...