Don't knock music as therapy, Toni !
Sometimes when reality stinks, it's healthy to want to avoid it. Who ever said that you have to face reality all of the time ? Everyone deserves a holiday sometimes.
I've lost count of the hours I spent plugged into a personal hifi as a way of escaping reality. I don't do it so much now, but looking back, it helped pull me through; and I'm in a much better place now as a result. (No, I don't mean Aberdeen ! )
Can't say that Dracula is a good choice of long-term partner....not unless his meals are all HIV negative !....but what the heck, everyone needs to have heroes, with qualities we long to share. It's part of expressing who we are, being who we are. And also a reflection of where we are, at a given time. If your life feels tragic to you, it's natural to be attracted to tragic things, as a way of learning how to cope with similar feelings. God knows I never used to be the happy smiley pperson people see nowadays. (On my good days.)
Just as long as you can see where the fiction stops and your life begins, escapism is fine. Go for it girl - just don't forget you've got real people in the other world who do care about your welfare and who you need to interact with !
Hang on, Toni. I'm here to tell you, it's entirely possible to not believe you can ever make it, to think that you are absolutely doomed beyond hope....and still to survive, and win through to sunlight. The secret is, just keep going through the right motions,even when you don't believe they'll help you.
Hang on.