Hi Sasha, I believe I may have coresponded with you before. Don't remember if I answered you or you me. Anyway, I truly understand what you are going through as I suffer very much from loneliness. I am an emptynester so I am living alone now for the first time. I have only been on my own for 3 weeks. The first few days
I didn't think I could get through it. I called a hotline just to have someone to talk to. I have friends but so many are busy or away over the summer so I don't have many people to do things with. I have made an effort though to find things to help me. I do volunteer work, I have signed up for classes, I have found a new support group and I am returning to my old childhood church. I think church is one of the best ways to help with loneliness. You can meet people and join activities the church has. Do you have children? If you have school age children you can volunteer at their school and that way make it easier to meet the parents of your children's schoolmates. You can set up play dates and try to get to know parents.
I hope this may help you. I have days when I just don't know what to do I get so lonely so trust that I know exactly how you feel. But you at least have your husband with you at night for companionship. Yesterday I went to a movie by myself just so I could have something to do and get out of the house. Nighttime
is the worst for me. I have no one to talk to. Coming on here to HW is a good way to make friends. Everyone is very welcoming. If you post a thread you will get answers from others and I will always be willing to answer you. Take good care of yourself and hope you will write again soon.
Many hugs,