Hello everyone.
It’s been quite a while since I signed in, but here I am , back again.
I’ve been managing fairly well with my 3 ailments ( anxiety, spinal
rheumatism, and depression ) since I last signed in. The one exception
is my depression.
6 weeks ago I quit smoking. I went cold turkey, and after the
4th day things got easier. It seemed to be not near as difficult as I remembered from past attempts.
This was all fine until about
2 weeks ago, when my depression spiked
up really bad. I’ve been like that now for the last two weeks and my
depression is barely tolerable. I think the two are related. I’ve read
this thread , and I’m wondering about
your last post FEELING WEEL.
Which (blue? ) letters are you referring to that say “ quit smoking “
and then refer me to pills ?
Thank you Karen, and I will appreciate any wisdom that anyone can
add to this thread, and my quitting smoking.
PS- I am feeling “brain zaps” that we talk about
when we taper off of
Effexor. I have no idea why.
Thanks all ;