Hi Brittany,
I am glad that you posted again. Drinking is very hard to stop, especially at this time of year. You know, "cheers" and all that. The Holiday Spirit. So maybe this is something that you would like to work on after the holidays. I don't mean go out and get drunk, but there is a lot of pressure to drink right now.
Have you thought about going to AA meetings? Then you would be around others who are trying to stop drinking also. You would have peer support.
I have a couple of sites that might help you with the depression part. They are both free, and other members have had success with this.
I hope that you can find some help with these sites.
I am sorry for the bad experiences that you have had with counseling. It shouldn't be like that. Check with your local mental health facility if you have one and see if there is any free help for you. Often they will go with a sliding scale to accomodate you. I hope that you can find some resources. Posting here helps too. Everybody here is so kind and supportive.
Go easy on yourself but keep in mind your goals. Know that when you are feeling down, it most likely is the alcohol effecting your depression. You aren't going crazy or anything like that. But understand what it does, and know what to expect. It makes it easier to cope with how you feel when you are down.
You sound like you are on the right track. You know what you want, and in time you will acheive it. Keep up the good work. Keep posting.
Hugs, Karen