Hi, Diamond20_UK,
I notice in your illness list that you post hypothyroidism, but you are
taking only hydroxychloroquine for Lupus. Why are you not taking
a thyroid supplement for the hypothyroidism?
Doctors will tell you that hypothyroidism can affect your whole life. I
would try to get that corrected very soon, knowing that it may help
give you some relief, at least.
Please see a specialist and have the biopsy and blood work done so that you may be medicated properly if your doctor thinks it's called for.
You won't regret having that checked. I've been told that regulating the thyroid hormones will go a long way in helping you feel better.
We're not doctors here, Diamond20_UK; we can only tell you about
things we've learned or been told ourselves by doctors.
Take care.
It's Genetic