I read the entire thread and it reminded me too much of what happened to me a few years back. My husband and I were married for about 7 years. For a good part of those years he suffered from depression. For the last year he never even worked. I supported him. He started to get suicidal and take time away. His behaviour was getting very strange. Then one day he told me he couldn`t stand to be around me and was going to file for a divorce. While the divorce news was hard enough to take, he also threatened to take his own life. He was very depressed. He did tell me all this over the phone, he was in another city. I had no way to try and get to him to try and help the man. This tore my heart. I knew he would contact his church, so I went to our local church and let them know his mental state and let it be in their hands. I also contacted my husbands parents. If he tried to actually commit suicide, then I at least told a few people what was going on inside the mans head. Then I had to let him go and let whatever happen, happen. I don`t hold any hard feelings toward my husband for what he did. He was just a very sick man. I went to counselling. Now I volunteer and have and even better job!
It is going to be one of the hardest things you are going to go through....but you can do it Jordan! Remember to look after yourself...first!