Sorry, I live in PA.
I don't currently have a PCP, so I guess that's out. As for the hospitals, we have three "local". One is the one I had problems with before, another is one taht when I called I was told the doctor isn't taking on any new patients, and I haven't tried the third. To say I became disheartened while making my calls would be an understatement (although it wasn't really a surprise). I am not sure what the state could do. If all they are going to do is refer me to county, then it won't matter as county has previously told me they really only help those w/o insurance.
I guess what I am wondering is should I say I am suicidal? I hate to lie, but should I in order to get help? I hate feeling this way (although I don't see how therapy will change anything) but I love my husband and children and I know it isn't fair for them to have to deal with me like this. Since it seems I have tried just about every avenue, maybe I should just lie in order to get someone (anyone!) to see me.