I just don't know how people can stay strong in dire situations. How do people who have a terminal illness or a permanent debilitating illness manage to go on and keep trying and live to the fullest? I am realizing that I'm very weak. I am in good physical health but the depression I have just makes me want to give up. If I didn't think I'd be getting better - I just hate to think what I might do.
Somehow, I guess people are able to overlook major problems and see every day as a blessing in spite of it all. I can't seem to do that, but if you are able to, I'm really glad for you, and want to be more like you. Maybe it takes time to get there, but somehow people seem to find a way.
Unfortunately I think of my life as a thing that can get ruined - like some object you own that has been damaged and can't be fixed, so you want to throw it away. I know, in this case there's no way to replace it. I just wish I could see it differently.