If you believe, then you will know that God is there. I know he is because he sure has helped me out of some rough times. I am nothing whitout Him. I can't rise in the AM without Him and I thank Him for another day. I will not preach, but all you have to do is ask and He will help you. It takes time. God is always putting challenges on me. He needs to see how much I can handle. I tell Him I have wide shoulders. When I have had enough, I tell HIm I can't do it anymore. He seems to just lighten the load real fast. Everyone should have a "higher power" no matter what denomination, but mine is our Lord and Savior. He died for us to have eternal life. God gave his sone for us to have eternal life. That's what He asked him while he hung on the cross.
I believe that I wouldn't be here without him. I would probably be wondering the streets without a thing. One day a long time ago I was the lowest I ever felt. I got on my knees and prayed but was yelling that I couldn't take anymore. I asked if it was His will that I stay here, to please give me a sign. I told Him I was ready to go home to be with Him and my family who have passed. I cried for what seamed over an hour. When I was done, my eyes were stinging and all puffed out, I had the worse headache and I was exhausted but I felt better. I gave it all to Him and I told Him when I did, I wasn't taking it back. I told Him it was in his hands. He took it and never gave it back. It was family issues and it was taking a toll on me. So, I surrendered to HIm. You wouled be surprised at what He can do, but we all have to be patient. The bible says, "Pray without ceasing" and "you have not cause you ask not" also it not my will it's THY will. I am going to pray for you today and every day. God will hear your prayers if you believe. God bless!@