Katy wonderful you posted back again!
Since we disclosing I am 51 and yes amount the unemployed for the last year due to my list of "friends" [see my diagnosis under signature]
I worked with seniors for 20+ years and I have to put it out there, depression does no have to be. Even in a nursing home enivronment I have some some amazing people that love life and taught me some lessons that are helping me through my struggles today.
I truly sense some anger in your post and would like you to continue to vent here with us. We are here to listen, support and not judge.
We just see that the good days can out number the bad. Depression is an illness that can be treated and dealt with, like any other life long ailament.
Stay Strong Katy and keep posting we love to hear from you, and anyone that gets Michael posting as to have something special going on!