This may be a long one so if you dont like long ones its okay not to read lol
Through my life my mother has been a manic depressive, she has caused me to be a very anxious person due to the way she acts through life.
See my dad left when i was aroung 7 and she has been bitter forever, I am very close to my dad and to be honest do not blame him for leaving, she can be so evil.
She stabbed my dad in the hand, she would pretend to faint to get attention and always have a go at hom for going out.! she wondered why he went out alot!!!
she did the same to me growing up. I was an only child so i took it all. Her crying in bed for days her constant negativity her blaming me for her depression or my dad or his new wife, anyone but herself!
she would shake pills and threaten to kill herslef, she would ring me as i had left the house to go to friends and order me back and scream at me.
i learnt to ignore her and laff in my head i took so much
my aunty told me not long ago she saw my mum was jelous of me and tretaed me bad, shed put me down infornt of ppl. if i didnt drop the hat and do what my mum wanted i would have world war 3 so i just did what she needed and missed out sometimes on being a fun child. at the same time i ws bullied in school so i was very withdrawn and angry.
luckily i had good friends and my dad has always suported me and talke to me like a real person and never judges me like my mum.
at age 28 she moved in with me after a year break, she was always in the house moaning shes ill always in bed always calling for tea and food and get this get that. i stil did it and i dont even drive so my partner had to do it.
one day she moaned about my bf smoking and i told her stop hes not harming anyone by having a smoke out the back, well she came at me with a knife ( as she was doing dishes) she then screamed this and that.
I called my aunt and got her to help me throiw her out, i helped her move into a new house and my lovely aunt paid my rent as my mother made us ove into an expensive place.
a few months later wwe stared talking, i said i want a riend not a mum and you cannot rely on me al the time or thats it its over. I became so ill with ibs from the stress i looked 7 months prenant and was always in pain. back on meds i went.
so for the last year we were okay, i heloped her through a break up and didnt jusge just helped and was there....
xmas day 2012, her boiler brakes and she textes me Im Frozen!
thats the text very nice i know, im alseep so i dont see it til 1 oclock, i txt her and she starts sending me abuse that shes freeizng and was up waiting at 9 to come over, I said you never asked to ccome over that early im not a mind reader, i said the afternnon, more swearing at me in texts, she does it cos she knows i will bite annndddd i will give in, as i am an adult and i wont leave anyone hurt.
i cried and my day was crap i wanted me and bf to enoy this year as its been so hard.
i kick myself for letting her be in my life and always being the one to make peace, she blames me for everything in her life and always drags up the past.
i dont want her in my life wen she even said to me she cant support me, then a day later shes all nice as pie
i cant handle it i just want to tel her to go to hell but im not like that but i really hate her
what can i do? ive taken enuff mentakl abuse